Anne Frank the Writer An Unfinished Story Original Writings

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December 09, 2008 02:53 PM
After reading the Diary of Anne Frank, I was able to understand more about the horrible time of the Holocaust. It is because of her wonderful writing I have been inspired to learn more about this tragic time in history. I wish I could meet Anne Frank to ask her a few question about her time in hiding, and her time in the concentration camps.
December 09, 2008 02:50 PM
cupertino CA
As a fellow 13 year old child, I see this as a great example of good writing. She could express her feelings so well that we could read it with no problem at all. In her writing she was very mature and responsible for her age. I think that she would have been a great writer or actor. I deeply enjoyed the book and I think it is a great example of how bad world war 2 was. Out of all the characters, I think in my opinion that Mr. Dussel had the most common sense because when the phone started ringing he knew that it was a warning and wanted to get out of there and move. The City was going to be liberated sooner or later. Also to me he seemed to be the most cautious because (again) he never did anything that would jeopardize the safety and well fare of the franks and van danns. He never danced, never moved when there were people in the building. If I was a survivor in hiding though I would actually go get the heck out of here and go into a underground bunker. Also i would have lived alone, more food for me, more space for me, more water for me, and other things that could have been helpful to me. I am happy to see that so many other kids like me enjoy and acknowledge the great writing, story and the play of the diary of anne frank. With no debate this story to me was the best and most shocking story. With so much suspense on every page knowing that they may get caught at any moment. At every page some one could be planning to uncover them.
December 09, 2008 02:48 PM
Kennedy, Cupertino, CA
I think the Diary of Anne Frank was a very inspirational story. I think that Anne was very brave as a 13 year old. I am approximately her age and I think I would have given up after 2 months.It was amazing how they stayed there for 2 years without going outside in thee fresh air. It is so sad that she wasn't able to pursue her goal in life as a writer. She was so young when she died. If she only lived for a little longer she might have still been alive today. Before I read this book I had no idea of what horrible things the Nazis had done to the Jews. I think the thing that was so great about Anne was that even though people were being tortured and killed she still thought that people were actually good at heart.
December 09, 2008 02:48 PM
Cupertino, CA
Anne Frank is truly inspiring person. She lasted though rough times while still maintaining a strong spirit. It is a really touching story and I respect Anne very much. Her will to write in her diary everyday is truly remarkable and her talent for describing as well as portraying her time in the annex is something to respect. The books on her diary along with the readers of them have allowed Anne to reach her dreams of becoming a writer. Anne has truly changed the lives and opinions of many people and I hope everyone will learn about her amazing life.
December 09, 2008 02:47 PM
Well i guess the book was ok and the movie wasnt really that good, but the story was interesting if Anne's cheesy voice wasn't added in. The main reason I like the book was because it explained more of the Holocaust.
M. Jones
December 09, 2008 02:45 PM
My class has recently read the diary of Anne. I found it very interesting even after I lived in the very city that Anne Frank lived in. Amsterdam, Netherlands. My dad had to move there for his job and my whole family got the chance to live there for a year. While there I got the chance to go see the Anne Frank house. It is much smaller then you would expect. It seems unbelievable that a person could live the way the Franks did and even after the hard times the Franks faced, Anne kept her head up. Even now, after seeing the Anne Frank house and coming back to the U.S. and learning more about it, it still shocks me that a person could be that mean and cruel to another human being. I mean, how could a person be so cruel and just watch other humans starve to death. It is so awful and horrible, that we, the people now, can't even begin to imagine it . For my Lit. class we read the diary and watched the movies and through the whole time you feel a pain of sadness for this young girl, who had so many dreams and so many hopes and even after she has been through all terror, she still believes people are good inside. That is what amazes me the most. That she is only 13 and she can forgive those who hurt her and killed her and those who watched her die. That is abosutly amazing.
Rachel Beyda
December 09, 2008 02:45 PM
Cupertino, CA
My eighth grade class just finished reading "The Diary of Anne Frank." Being a Jewish teenage girl myself, I was easily able to relate to Anne. While putting myself in her shoes,I started to realize that if I was born just several decades before I was, I would have had the same fate that Anne did. I've met a few Holocaust survivors who came to speak at my Hebrew school, and each of their stories truly touched me, as did Anne's. "The Diary of Anne Frank" is an amazing story, and I encourage everyone to read it. Anyone who says that the Holocaust never occurred should read this book, and explain to me how all of these people just vanished off of the face of the Earth. We should acknowledge that the Holocaust happened, otherwise we can't prevent it from reoccurring. My heart goes out to Anne, and to the millions of others who died because of their beliefs. Thank you, Anne, for sharing your amazing story.
Andrew K
December 09, 2008 02:44 PM
Cupertino, CA kenndey
When I first started reading the Diary, I thought that it was going to be a another boring made up story. Instead, I got really into the diary when I realized how much emotions were written into the diary by Anne Frank. There were so many times when there were conflict within the "Secret Annexe" but the members of the hideout always get things sorted out. I really enjoyed Mr. Franks character of how he keeps a cool head all the time. It was really sad how the members of the hideout all died except for Mr. Frank who survived. Rest in Peace to all the victims of the Holocaust.
December 09, 2008 02:43 PM
Dallas Texas
I think that Anne Frank was a very inspirational girl that that affected millions of people after her time. Anne Frank was a brave and courageous girl that was able to see a good side in the people that were trying to kill her. After I had seen the movie and read the book, I felt some connection to Anne Frank, although I had never met her. I think I will never be the same after watching the Anne Frank Movie because it was so emotional and heartbreaking. Some parts of the movie were disturbing, but those are the parts I will remember cause they describe the horror of discrimination against innocent people.
December 09, 2008 02:43 PM
Cupertiono, CA
I just finished reading the Diary of Anne Frank. I admire Anne because it must have been hard for her to be quiet and stuck in hiding. She loved to talk so it must have been hard for her and after everything that had happened, she still thought that people were good. I would have a hard time still thinking that if I had the same experiences as her. Anne was so kind, friendly, and compassionate. She was also very brave and I felt sad that after everything that she had been through, her life still had ended tragically. At least her dream of being a writer came true and her words and feelings will be remembered.
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