Anne Frank the Writer An Unfinished Story Original Writings

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August 17, 2008 04:33 AM
I have just finished reading Anne's diary today, for the first time. The first thing I did was to go outside to enjoy the beautiful sunshine and admire the simple beauty that was denied to Anne and so many countless others. There is some much to admire about Anne, but I mostly admire her fearless honesty. What a legacy Miss Frank, and what a mixture of pain and pride her father must have felt to read this diary. Thank you Mr Frank for sharing your wonderful daughter with the world.
August 16, 2008 05:30 PM
Anne Frank to me is an insporation. She had suffored for no reason. Her dream was to become a writer and publish her diary. When I learnd about her I thought only about thousands of people died but millions died for no good reason. I am only 10 and I read her diary. Her words spoke to me. I was only in second grade when I learnd about her. I have reashearched her and cryed. I have read books on her and cryed. What happend after the the last diary entry the worsh punishment had becone. Going in hidding was bad to. But just knowing you where not appreshated was bad enough. Her words speek to me. Her fsther Otto Frank made her dream come true to be an author.
August 15, 2008 12:33 AM
I read this book quite recently and because I am her approximately her age, I related to her greatly. It was as if her soul was living in mine. I understood the emotions and feelings. The questions that were never answered, I would love to tell her, but now.. she's gone. She will forever be apart of my life. She has inspired me, to live the now moment. Her wisdom is truly beyond her years and I understand the feeling of being so alone. It was as if it were me in past. She will forever live within my heart...
August 12, 2008 07:17 AM
At a time when I felt alone and imprisoned, I read the diary of Anne Frank, and soon I could relate to her situation. Yet literature like this has its way of putting life into perspective, and well, Kitty became soon a source of consolation and support for me, as much as it was for Anne.
What I admire the most, is her courage, her fibre. She rises above life and death and contemplates it with such maturity. Her age in comparison to her writing is just amazing. Anne said, "I want to live, even after my death, I want to live". And that one wish, history fulfilled. Her outstanding character resonates till this day and inspires our present to be tolerant and to live and let live.
Lisa Taylour
August 10, 2008 10:20 PM
I think Anne Frank is one of the most prestigious person in the world . She really was an idol to everyone. I really feel sorry for her as she died at such a young age.It was her hope that took her so long.......
August 07, 2008 12:20 AM
The first time i read Anne's diary i was just thirtteen. The diary opened my eyes up to a world i didn't even know exsisted. The diary made me realise there is an injustice in this world, and made me have a thirst for knowlege in holocaust history.
And since reading the diary over again, i've wanted to make peole aware of the holocaust, and help human rights.
August 04, 2008 10:25 PM
Brantford, Ontario
I have read the book, watched the movie and I have a copie of her diary. She has influenced me in so many ways, that when I feel like I can't go on any longer and I feel like things are getting out of control or too much for me, I simply read a bit of the diary of Anne Frank. Soon I realize my troubles are'nt as bad as they appeared before!I have had a really hard life and a sad one at times but when I read her book it makes me realize how lucky and fortunate I am!!!!!I'm 42 now and when I was younger in my teens I thought I was invincible and that nothing could happen to me! Now I look back and realize I was wrong! She has given me courage to go on!
August 02, 2008 03:01 PM
hightstown, NJ
I thought the diary of anne frank was really factual and informative. I thought it was a good portrayal of her story and it defiantely makes one realize how important it is to remember horrible events such as the holocaust so that it will never happen again.
Tiffany L,
July 28, 2008 03:48 AM
Hong Kong
I just read the whole Anne Frank diary. It was a great accomplishment ^^ and I admire Anne, a girl not much older than me when she wrote this diary.
She was brave, optimistic, loving. Although she still have some teenager problems, not to mention the cramped living quarters, and conditions, she still remained cherrful till the end. Above all, she was a terrific writer!
Maria Santiago
July 27, 2008 09:24 PM
San Diego California
A wonderful look at a bright star who light was put out to soon. Loved the exhibit and will share it with others. Thank you
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