Anne Frank the Writer An Unfinished Story Original Writings

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May 23, 2008 09:49 AM
Wisconsin, USA
I think Anne Frank is a really inspiring person. She made it through a lot of stuff and still stayed strong. She kept a diary, and now we know somewhat of what she felt like. She is a really great person.
May 23, 2008 09:49 AM
Wisconsin, USA
I just finished reading one of anne's book. She is a very inspiring girl.
I would never be able to be that strong through somthing that hard.
Anne is a very inspiring writer
May 23, 2008 09:48 AM
Oconto, Wisconsin
Anne Frank is an inspiring girl. Her story made me want to learn more and more aabout her. I am in 7th grade and in a reading class that talks about the holocaust and Anne Frank is my favorite. She is my favorite because she was about my age. I think that we all need to learn her story
May 22, 2008 05:40 PM
Nashville Tennesee
I never actually read her diary, but recently iu saw the movie and thought deep inside me, how it must've been when Anne was in hiding for two long years and she never got to go outside once. It must have been really hard for her and her family, not to see her other family and friends ever again. I could not imagine. She is strong and brave. I think Anne had a smart side to her and a romantic side for Peter. I guess Anne is the reason my boyfriend and i are still going strong. Anne is the true girl in all of us. She changed America and other girls older and younger. My opinion, Anne is the best role model any girl could haev- because she stayed strong through the hardest times in her life and her diary says it all.
May 22, 2008 11:28 AM
Port St. Lucie, Florida
I have been learning about the Holocaust in school lately, and i have also just encountered meeting a Holocaust survivor in person. My mom says sometimes that i don't relize how much i have in my life, and just until now i have relized how much people had to suffer for me. I feel horrible because of this, and will NEVER, EVER forget how many people lost their lives not knowing that they would become heros in other's lives.....
May 21, 2008 02:34 PM
I've started reading it and i'm on page 55. I've allways been interested in her, but never came around to reading it. Im really enjoying it. I keep a diary and i love writing, but prefer drawing, so i have created a art journal. Wouldnt it be amazing if anne did that. She hadsuch a imagenation...
May 20, 2008 07:10 PM
Arab, Alabama
When I first read Anne Frank, it was my 8th grade year, and it absolutely blew me away by some of things she had to live through. Hiding everyday, risking her life, and she stayed strong through it all. She was kind-hearted and she knew it was all going to get better. It's sad that she didn't get to live through the Concentration Camps. She's definitely one of the biggest influences in my life. I thank her, because she is a prime example to how we all should be if we were put in a situation like that. I know people today couldn't go through that and actually stay strong through it. She was an amazing person.
May 20, 2008 01:04 PM
Minnesota, Twin Cities
I think it is very sad what happened. I think Anne was a great person. Why would this happenen to her and her family
rayshawn butler
May 18, 2008 11:51 PM
san antonio, texas
I love anne frank she is a heroine of our modern time. She is the epitomy of GIRL POWER.
May 18, 2008 02:46 PM
New York, USA
I first read Anne's diary when I was 13. At first, I was like "Can young people write like this? Was this really Anne?" And then it dawned on me that it was Anne. That she was just a regular girl, like me, being persecuted only because she was Jewish. It's because of Anne that I started to write my own stories, and my own poems, and my own songs. It's because of her that I know we young people have a voice. And that people are "really kind at heart".
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