Anne Frank the Writer An Unfinished Story Original Writings

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March 05, 2008 10:20 PM
When I read the story of Anne Frank I learned a lot about what people went though each day, if you believed the Jewish religion. It was really sad to see a dictator take over many, who have no differences except for there beliefs. Her diary entries spoke from her heart, showing the times when she was struggling, but also the times when she beleived anything was possible. She really seemed like someone who was taught to see the good in everyone. Anne never said anyone was bad, she knew that life was filled with many who had different opinions. Anne also was full of life as a child, she seemed to have a better understanding of the world then most children. When in hiding, her diary seemed to really keep her connected to reality. It showed her wonderful writing style, and her feelings each day. She changed the opinions of many after the tragic war. Her writings stand out, and show you can do anything if you believe.
March 05, 2008 06:58 PM
I first read "The Diary Of Anne Frank" at the age of 13. she is advanced for her age. She is a roll model for young adults, her words inspired many generations and generations to come.
She relates to many adolesense. She writes not only to herself but to the audience thats is reading her diary, it helps me to understand her and her personality.
A misunderstood teenager which most of us can relate to battles of being a teenager: boys, puberity etc. She is awesome.
March 05, 2008 06:57 PM
I have just finished reading the diary of Anne Frank in english class. i found it awful what she and her family went through. especially otto frank, he lived while every one he had hidden with died. lucky but in return he lost his very much beloved family.....
Nick C
March 05, 2008 06:38 PM
It was my first time reading the diary this year. I liked it very much,i thought it was a survival story of a young girl with dreams. At first i didnt really now much about the Holocaust but now i am really interested about it. I would like to read more of other peoples lives during the Holocaust. I didn't realize how much it affected the jewish people, and i didn't know how much they went through, they were treated like animals. I really liked the diary.
March 05, 2008 06:37 PM
I didn't really wish to read this book but i was forced to as it was an english task. It opened my eyes when i read that because they are jews they must run and hide etc. This is not fair that jews of all people must be exterminated. Anne's feeling toward the other jews made her feel guilty that she couldn't save them all. It makes us thinks that we in such a society are very lucky not to be mistreated but only because i am in a good country as there are still many people and much corruption in the world that needs to end. I also think that man will alway have conflict as all people have thought and ideas which do not agree. from reading this book i feel sad and see that i live well but never can i live perfectly.
March 05, 2008 06:29 PM
Anne's Diary gave me many insights into the life that the jewish people had while the nazis where in control, the book was a very interesting and inspiring book to read & Anne's courage has really inspired me and i know that i would never have been able to go through everything she and her family went through.
March 05, 2008 06:28 PM
I've just recently read the 'The Diary of Anne Frank' it has really touched me. i now understand what actualy happened to the jews in ww2. it was really interesting. Annes parents tryed their hardest to raise their daughter, and they have done well. Anne is very advanced and used very sophicated words for her age. if anne was still alive and reading this, i would give her the advice to strive for her goals, as this little girl could have been anything she wanted.
March 05, 2008 02:56 PM
The first time I read the diary of Anne Frank was in fourth grade. From the very first sentence, I felt instant connection with Anne. Her statements, her insight and knowledge had an effect on me. I was going through what Anne was through, and moreover, I had discovered a person whose life matched mine, whose thoughts surpassed mine, and gave me somebody to really consider. Now thanks to her entries, my writing talent is much improved now.
March 04, 2008 07:04 PM
we read the diary of anne frank in our 8th grade class. no one could believe that pepole could be so cruel. when we got to the end of the book, there werent a dry eye in the class,our teacher was crying,the girls were crying,the guys were crying,even the tuffest kid in school was crying. i cant tell you how this story has changed my life. i love you anne frank and i think god that your finally free and in a better place.
February 29, 2008 01:16 PM
I first read the Dairy of Anne Frank at the age of 11. I didn' really think much of it and now that I am Anne's age I can now imagine it better through her eyes and I can see all the things that she went through. I feel bad for her and her family and all the people that were hiding with her in the Secret Annex.
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