Anne Frank the Writer An Unfinished Story Original Writings

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Annie Hammond
December 22, 2004 05:43 AM
I think Anne Frank was the most amazing person ever. How could such an active and outgoing young girl stay inside and quiet for two whole years.Anne has inspired me to write a diary just like she did. I have read so many books about Anne Frank including her diary. I will never forget her.
December 20, 2004 06:08 PM
Anne is such an awsome person, figure and being The diary of Anne Frank is such a powerful book, to remind us of how very lucky we are today, to be able to worship without having to woory, "Will this result our deaths?"
Also it reminds us of how grateful,we should be, just to have each other. And it reminds us to treat each other as if it were the last day of our lives...

Because it could be.

"This could be the bst day of your life. this could be the worst day of your life. This could be the LAST day of yur life."

December 17, 2004 06:21 PM
The Diary of Anne Frank is amazing-- simply that. As I write this, I glance ruefully at the tattered copy on my college bookshelf, received one morning to keep me occupied during daycare. I was nine, and now, at age 20, the dog-eared book is one of my enduring favorites, with its tearstained pages on my favorite entries that carried me through times of anger, possibility, and hope. Anne Frank brings me to a simpler time, a sweeter time, a more moral time-- one where ethics, faith, and hard work are valued. Reading it, and re-reading it, makes me "believe", in this questionable period in humanity's history, "that people really are good at heart".
Sarah K
December 16, 2004 02:53 PM
Anne frank is one of the most influential people the world has ever seen. i read her diary over 6 times and each time i catch something new she went through so much and still managed to be happy even in bergen belsen we all have a lot to learn frome her she is amazing

sarah k
princeton girl
December 15, 2004 09:15 PM
I think that Anne has so much thought so much energy even after being kept in the secret annex she definatly inspired me to become a writer. i hate the fact that they had to kill all the Jews...If Anne were alive she would have been 75 years old right now I would have definatly wanted to meet her. I respect her in a way that is foreign to other people. she's absolutly the best.
Carly Klein
December 15, 2004 08:59 PM
Anne Frank, I think is amazing. At such young age having so much wisdom is amazing. i've visited the holocaust Museum in Washington, D.C. and I encourage alll people to go there. It shows more then anywhere the suffuring the jew's went through. In the past month i and my classmates have been doing a powerpoint on systems of oppression and resistance in WWII, Civil War, and the American Revolution. It was been eye opening. I encourage all people to think about the suffuring these people went through. It is truly amazing.
April Rene'e Emily Holmes Morehouse Griville Irmer
December 15, 2004 04:54 PM
Most people who read Anne Frank get lost in the book and forget Anne was a real person. She was like you or me. She is not just some made up girl some guy thought up one day. She had feelings, dreams, an imagnation, and abouve all she had hope. And the reson I'm writting this is because Anne showed me as well as others that even in death she lives on through her writting!!!!
And earlyer I said she had hope, well she also gives it to every one who reads her Dairy
Samantha Macfarlane
December 12, 2004 10:06 AM
I am so excited to read the book of Anne Frank's life and her diary. I am doing a speech on her this year at school because i thought everyone should here her great adventure tale.
December 12, 2004 09:14 AM
When i first heard about anne frank on the news i will admit that it didn't interest me only because it was also to do with the war and that wasn't something i was into,but then i was in my local library and i saw her book,so i borrowed it and i REALLY enjoyed it,i've never known of a teenager like her,the way she describes things and poured her heart out,i'm so pleased i got the opportunity to read it,thanks to her wonderful father. It's a shame she'll never know the impact she is having all these generations later,i have seen the film a couple of times it is good but also very sad. What a sad waste ALL because her and her family were jewish. Most teenagers don't realise how lucky they are,maybe they should think about anne and her life.........she is really ONE IN A MILLION!.
December 10, 2004 07:37 PM
I am also studying about anne frank and the Holocaust. I think something like this should be heard and known 'round the world, i mean people know it happened but they dont understand it.
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