Anne Frank the Writer An Unfinished Story Original Writings

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December 10, 2004 05:34 AM
I have listened to the an unfineshed story about three times now an each time it makes me feel upset. anne frank talked so much about what she will do after the war, and she wanted to tell the world about her thoughts. But when her diary was published the world knew her thoughts n many people where inspired by it. She probably looking down on us with god and thinking that, if she didn't die during the war her diary may have never been published. and many people would still look down thier noses at poor people. well many people still do but less people do.
Anne Frank has inspired me and i will alsways remember her story.
LaTonya L. Wilson
December 09, 2004 12:43 PM
When I first read the diary of Anne Frank, it really made me sad to here how they were treated. I also was surprised at the way Anne handled herself. She was a young adult who was brave and didn't care what others thought of her. After all that she had been through, she still had faith in people. I enjoyed the story and would like to hear more of her writing!!
Bre Owen
December 06, 2004 08:15 PM
I am doing a Study on the Holocaust and she was one of the people that we talked about and i personally think that she should haved lived if only they didn't find them. Or if they did that they didn't die in the death camps. that really makes me really ashamed that someone(Hilter) would do such a thing to inisent people. I am really passionate about her and i think that her and her family and Peter's family should of lived. I would like to know how the NAZI Party knew that they were up in the attic. I thought it was that man that they hired and he was inspecting the place and said last time i was here that there was a room up there. But thats my opinion
December 06, 2004 08:08 PM
I am a jewish young lady and things like this Inspires me very much. I cant belive all she went through. I have to do a project on her and i am so amazed by her. But i love her books also so much. If u are readin this and you havent read her book..PLEASE do! love, Leah
stefany vega
December 06, 2004 05:19 PM
i am am 13 and we are learning about what had happened along time ago and i think it was horrible the way they were treated just because of what they are! Anne has taught me to keep my head up even when times are bad and have faith and always write in a DIARY! I love Anne Frank!!!!!!
Jeanne Aldrich
December 03, 2004 08:26 PM
I sit in my comfortable and warm room in Canada and read your beautifully presented thoughts of this spirited and gifted soul. I was 14 when I, as a skinny young motherless girl, looked deep into the picture of my friend Anne on the cover. I am now 53 and a mother of a 14 year old who is as spirited as her mother and Anne once were and the delightfulness of the age lives on and the light, that connects us all still touches me to tears as I read about my friend Anne 40 years later in this website. My, how the world has changed and I am once again a young skinny girl wishing the magnificant light of Anne Frank had stayed with us just a little bit longer. Thank you for fanning the love in my heart that I, and so many others who have been blessed by her words, still remember. Love, Jeanne
December 03, 2004 05:02 PM
Most people who read Anne Frank get lost in the book and forget Anne was a real person. She was like you or me. She is not just some made up girl some guy thought up one day. She had feelings, dreams, an imagnation, and abouve all she had hope. And the reson I'm writting this is because Anne showed me as well as others that even in death she lives on through her writting!!!!
melissa plourde
December 03, 2004 02:14 PM
when i first read anne's diary i didnt really understand it, because i was olny in 3rd grade. then 2 years later i read it again and ever since then i have continued my holocaust research. now i am 15 and i know more about the time period of 1920 to 1950 then i ever thought i would. i continue my research because i have heard people state that the holocaust never happend, and to me that is disgusting . by doing what i do i contribute to keeping anne alive, even after her death.
December 02, 2004 11:15 AM
This year in English we had to read the play and go onto websites and do a cd game about Anne Frank. Everytime I read something or saw something, a shiver ran up my spine. I always felt as though she is still alive. Just as she said she wanted to be. She is alive in her writings and in her diary. Before I didn't really think that the Halocaust was that bad. I thought it might mot have even happened. But now.... my oppinion has changed.
December 02, 2004 11:14 AM
i am currently reading the diary of anne frank and i personally think alond with every other person who has read the book that it is not only a diary but a triumpfit story of a young girl who not only lived through the holocaust but has lived life. She is only 13 when she goes in hiding i am only 14 it makes me wonder about all the things i take for granted in the world and i think it should make you think that to
love sadie
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