Anne Frank the Writer An Unfinished Story Original Writings

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Liz Davis
May 05, 2004 02:25 PM
Anne I think has more then one message. She wants people to know the suffering and iggnorance she has been through, so it will never happen again. But, I don't think she wants to be known "the little Jewish girl." She always said what was on her mind and never let anyone make her feel inferior. She probably wanted everyone to be more like her, and for no one to walk all over them. She was very opinionated and thought everyone should express their feelings. I think all Anne wanted was the ability to change. Whether it be to change one person or thousands, whether she caused this change by her actions or thouights. In my opinion she definitely her dream came true. She couldn't have gave a better message then she did.....
May 05, 2004 02:24 PM
One year before Anne's death, she wrote in her diary, "I want to be useful or give pleasure to people around me. I want to go on living even after my death." Anne brought pleasure to her friends at school and her family at home. Anne also relieved a lot of tension while in hiding. Anne was always joyful and optimistic. If I could describe Anne with one word it would be hopeful. She always had hope for herself and all of humanity. Anne has taught many valuable lessons to people all over the world. She has taught me to see the good in people, no matter what they have done. She has also taught me to have faith no matter what troubles you may be facing. So in a way Anne is still living, for she is remembered every day just like she had hoped.
May 05, 2004 02:22 PM
Anne Frank is the spirit of forgiveness, of hope, and of triumph. Despite what was going on, the suffering, the intolerance, Anne was still a loving and faithful young woman. She endured the torture of captivity and confinement for much of her teenage years, and yet she was still grateful for all she had. She still had optomism and a love for life and the people in her life. Anne was grateful that she was still alive, she was thankful for those who helped make her life a little better, and she was appreciative to still have her loved ones with her. "In spite of everything, I still believe people are really good at heart." If only the Nazi's had felt that way, too...
May 05, 2004 02:14 PM
Life is a very valuble thing. You only have one shot at life. If that shot is wasted , you are not going to have another. Use your desicions wisley. Deep down inside somone can be the most caring or uniqe person. Even if your having the worst of days today , a person may come along tommorow and lighten up the rest of your life. That is what I think Anne is trying to tell the rest of the world. Why dont you try to use your one shot to lighten up somone else's life?
May 01, 2004 08:46 PM
Anne was, still is and always will be an amazing writer. It hurts to know that she didn't live long enough to see how inspiring she is. She'd have so much to say today and she could influence the world even more. If only she survived... Anne Forever. She still lives on.
Ashley f.
April 29, 2004 07:47 PM
it was last year when i first read Anne's kitty. i have read it twice since then. Anne's was a brave young girl with an amazing writing ability. i think that if more pelple read or even saw Anne's life it would change the world. i look up to Anne, she had an effect on me that i can't discribe. i used to be the "bad" kid, i didn't respect my parents or enyone older than i. i was really low (grades) in school and know i have about all a's and b's! Anne showed me that there's more to life than just mine. Some people will put you down, it happened to the Frank's, but you need to go on after it and live your life to the fullest. remember when you think your so down and when things are rough there was/is/will be people less fortionante than you!thanks for reading this, peace. 13 Ashley
April 29, 2004 09:52 AM
I loved the diary of Anne Frank, she's the one who encouraged me to become the writer I am today. I'm the age she would've been if she hadn't of died just two monthes short of her 16th birthday. Anne's story lives in everyone who reads and cherishes it. This girl had a gift for words, and her words encouraged people to understand the truth behind the atrocities of the holocaust.
April 29, 2004 07:38 AM
In my gifted eighth grade literature class, I was asked to read the Diary of Anne Frank, to help put myself in someone else's shoes during that terrible time. I grew up with a father that had always loved to learn and see things about the World Wars so I had always had some background information to rely on. But as I got older, I started seeing the Diary of Anne Frank at the school book stores but never had any interest or reason to read it. At first, when this assignment was given to me, I was not very enthusiastic about reading it. It seemed like just another boring documentary. But as I began to read it, I began to see similarities in this girl's personality and mine. I got interested in her thoughts and opinions, and felt I could relate to some her typical teenage problems and thoughts. This book struck me as something I would never have expected. After I was through reading it, I realized that it was not just an ordinary boring documentary. It was a touching tale of a teenage girl's life during the most troubling and dangerous times of all. Her heritage was being threatened by the over-powering Nazis yet she still had faith. Overall, this book was entirely not what I expected. It was wonderful and touching.
April 27, 2004 09:58 PM
Anne Frank is my role model. She was so beautiful, and such a good writer. She is an inspiration to me. I love her diary, and sometimes I think, 'What would the world be like if she hadn't written that diary?' Her diary is touching, and I wish that I could write such a touching story as that.
April 21, 2004 08:05 PM
Right now is a very hard time in my life. I'm not going into detail exactly, but I must say i realized how lucky I am after seeing the optimism in Anne Frank, seeing my pessimism in life. She gave me new light. I thank her for touching me and changing me forever more.
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