Anne Frank the Writer An Unfinished Story Original Writings

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Kerri-lynn Sirkin
September 14, 2003 12:43 AM
I read the fiary first when I was 13. Now 24 I have read it every since. It's real interested as I grew up to see how certain topics in her diary become more relevent as I went through adolesence into adulthood. I great admire her and her work. This website has provided some more information about & her essay "Give" is just wonderful. About 2 years ago I had the wonderful opportunity to portray Anne Frank on stage in The Diary of Anne Frank. It was such an emotional experience, to get to tell her to story to all of those people at each performance. In her diary she states wanting to go on living at her death. It was a wonderful experience for me almost 60 years later, who never met Anne, but was able to continue in making her wish come true. I have learned a great deal about myself from her diary. I hope she inspires and moves people in the same ways she has touched my life.
September 13, 2003 12:17 PM
It?s a long time now, since i read Anne?s diary,but, amanzingly,I haven?t forget about it at all, because it deeply touched my heart and soul, and made, and make me think, about all the children and teenagers who have to go through a war.Anne will always be in my heart.
September 13, 2003 11:16 AM
I am reading the diary for a school project and my teacher asked us to visit this web site.Before I read the diary all i knew was Anne was some girl who hid in an annexe or something.I had no idea what she went through or what any of the jews went through.I didnt know much about the holocaust.Then i read the diary and it inspired me to find out more about the holocaust.The things jews had to go through were horrible. So many people died and just because they were jewish, what difference does that make? I new a lot about racism and i knew it was a horrible thing, but the holocaust was even worse. I didn't think any thing could be worse than racial discrimination.The holocaust was a horrible,horrible event and we have to remember,we have to learn,we have to teach we have to let everyone know the horrible things that happened to jews so that it can never happen again.If you havent already read the diary,look up holocaust or awushwitz online in an encyclopedia.Research it ,spread the information around,let people know what happened.But never forget.
September 12, 2003 04:52 PM
Im a 11 year old Jewish girl and have read and re-read this book, Anne is a true writer and as she said in he book "I want to go on living even after death" well she did, her Diary keeps her sprit alive and remainds us that even now, in the 21 sencury that we should take life as it comes to us. Anne is a true hero for Jewish and non jewish people alike. Life Love and Happiness is a gift and we should cherrish every last bit of it. Anne, Thanks, for all of the hope you've given the world.And yes, you've gone living even after death...
Rebecca Jones
September 09, 2003 08:17 AM
I read the diary for the first time when I was around 9, and have tried to read it at least once a year since. I am inspired by her passion and commitment to life, and I am angry at the events and people that caused her death.
September 08, 2003 09:11 PM
I was in the 6th grade when we were learning about the holocaust. But after the semester had ended, I wanted to learn more and took it upon myself to read this book. To me, it represents a child who dreamed and hoped, who loved and lost. She was truly talented and gifted by what she wrote and how she wrote it. The world never really got a chance to see her potential come out, but her courage and hope will always be remembered as well as the other victims of the nazis. She will never be forgotten.
September 08, 2003 06:11 PM
From Anne's essay "Give": "Open your eyes, be fair in your own dealings first! Give whatever there is to give! You can always?always?give something, even if it's a simple act of kindness! If everyone were to give in this way and didn't scrimp on kindly words, there would be much more love and justice in the world!" These are such timeless and inspiring words.
September 08, 2003 03:35 PM
I visited Anne Frank's house in Amsterdam over a year which prompted me to read her diary for the first time. After seeing the Secret Annex and reading her diary I can relate to what she and the rest of the people in the Annex were going through while they were in hiding. I think that this website is great since it helps to show the work that Anne Frank has done. Good work!!
September 08, 2003 10:44 AM
I read Anne Frank's diary when I was a teenager, and want to thank you for this Web site, which places her diary writings amongst some of her other writings -- it makes the diary seem less of an isolated piece and gives a fuller picture of Anne herself as a young woman and aspiring writer. I am inspired to re-read the diary now, some 20 years after first reading it. And it is also interesting to see how the diary/website have inspired other people in these comments.
September 07, 2003 09:05 PM
I really liked Anne Frank's story she inspires me so much. I'm 15 at the moment and haveing some of the feelings that she had.
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