Anne Frank the Writer An Unfinished Story Original Writings

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Sandra Boswell
August 27, 2003 12:07 AM
I visited the Anne Frank house in January 2001. As I walked to the house from my hotel, I recalled Anne's description of the family dressed in extra clothing because they could not carry satchels or anything that would give them away. I tried to imagine what they were thinking as they walked along those beautiful canals and breathed freedom for the last time.
I went into Anne's room and was amazed to see her movie star photos. I hadn't read the book in many many years, but so much of it came back to me. I again felt as much of a bond with Anne as when I read her diary when I was 12-13 years old. I walked backed to my hotel in silence still trying to absorb the facts that
1)I had finally seen the house forty years after reading the diary,
2)Anne and the Holocaust had such a profound hold on me and so many other caring people.
Nancy Turner
August 26, 2003 03:51 PM
What a wonderful web site! Thank you so much for providing so much additional information. It's been many years since I first read the diary. This site provides an even wider picture of this remarkable young woman.
August 26, 2003 12:03 PM
I have read Anne Frank's diary religiously at least once a year, since I was 12. I am now 23, and her diary continues to amaze me with its startling maturity, fresh hope and human essence. Anne Frank's diary is a testament to the strength of the human spirit, even when it is facing the cold jaws of genocide and death. Like a caged bird, her voice continues to echo through our lives; let us not forget the millions like her who were silenced.
Sylvester Lusanga
August 26, 2003 10:34 AM
I remember the first time I read about the book of Anne's Frank was when I was in my English class in 1999. Since the time of me reading and the book with my English teacher, this young girl has become an enspiration for me as a Poet. And since that of taking that class, I have become a Poet.
Annie Stith
August 26, 2003 05:47 AM
The story of Anne Frank has touched me since I first read it as a teenager. I often marvel at the gifts God bestowed on this young yet wise woman-child, placed in the midst of the worst example of man's inhumanity to man. It begs the question--how many more "Anne Franks" were wiped from the face of the planet during the holocaust? How many more were so damaged they became unable to share their stories? How many more still never existed because those who would have been their parents were murdered? God does, indeed, have a Plan, and Anne Frank lived her life in the midst of that Plan, providing us with a shining example of the human spirit and its capabilities during the worst atrocities. My role in God's Plan is to help ensure that we, as the human race, never again turn a blind eye to the suffering of our fellow human beings. Anne, I know you are with God. I love you. Thank you so very much for your wisdom, and for having the foresight to write it down so that humanity might never forget.
Hugo Spitz
August 25, 2003 11:31 AM
I have had Anne Frank be a part of my life. My youngest daughter play Anne at the Dock Street Theater in Charleston. It was like Anne living in our house. My wife and I went to Anne's house while in Holland and I could almost feel her presence.Her writings will live forever for she expressed the hope of the Jewish people and all mankind.I hope the world will never forget that little girl who never lost that hope.
August 23, 2003 12:14 PM
All I have to say is this was extraordinary young woman during that time, I read and went through each of the exibits here online and all that was said by this little girl was exactly truth, love, kindness, and giving..All humans are created equal and that we should all treat one another with dignity and respect, no matter who we are or where we come from..I am 34 years old and live in the United States, I have never read any of Anne Franks Diaries or stories, yet looking at this online archive and reading thru some of the excerpts makes me feel as though she is right her reading and writing to me, to me its a feeling that one must feel for themselves and to share with others her stories her thoughts and her day to day living during this horrible and despicable time..Even today her words and love carry on and for that we should all take a long hard look at ourselves and live our lives and be kind to our fellow man no matter..
August 23, 2003 07:25 AM
Anne Frank's struggle to keep a semblance of a normal life while in the midst of such a cruel and terrible situation her family was going through showed me a side of humanity few people really focus on: to live every minute as it is your last, bacause it might be. I visited the Holocaust Memorial Museum exhibit in Washington, D.C. It is an impressive work of WWII historic collections, which impressed me, even though I am not jewish. It's quite sad she did not make it through the War. It would have made for a great ending to her short but courageous life.
August 21, 2003 05:22 PM
As a child, I used to read the Diary of Anne Frank over and over, hoping for a different ending. Maybe, the next time I reached the conclusion of the book, it would turn out that Anne lived. Now, as an adult, I realize that Anne is alive within all of us. Her words rendered her immortal.
August 18, 2003 06:51 PM
I'm 15 years old. The first time I read Anne's diary I was 13, the same age that she wrote. When I read it, I was so moved to tears that I promised myself that I would write a journal for if I die that I must somehow be remembered. Or even to remember what the time that you lived in. Her life story moved me to tears that I tried to do everything I can to find information about the Holocaust. I even went to the Holocaust museum in Miami. I just wish that one man can change the world to tears by killing millions of victims and pretending everything is okay. She doesn't deserve that. Nobody deserves that.
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