0-9 | A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I | J | K | L | M | N | O | P | Q | R | S | T | U | V | W | X | Y | Z
- Tautosakos darbai [Folklore studies] (See website for coverage)
- Taxon (1951-2009)
- TDR (1967-1968)
- TDR (1988-2007)
- TDR: The Drama Review (1999 through current issue)
- Teaching Sociology (1973-2010)
- Technology and Culture (1959-1998)
- Technology and Culture (1998 through current issue)
- Technometrics (1959-2007)
- Teksty Drugie [Second Texts] (See website for coverage)
- Teme - Časopis za Društvene Nauke [Themes - Journal for Social Research] (See website for coverage)
- Tempo (1939-2007)
- Teologia Polityczna [Political Theology] (See website for coverage)
- Terminologija [Terminology] (See website for coverage)
- TESOL Quarterly (1967-2009)
- Texas Studies in Literature and Language (2001 through current issue)
- Textual Cultures: Texts, Contexts, Interpretation (2008 through current issue)
- The Academy of Management Journal (1963-2007)
- The Academy of Management Review (1976-2002)
- The Accounting Review (1926-2007)
- The American Biology Teacher (1938-2004)
- The American Catholic Sociological Review (1940-1963)
- The American Economic Review (1911-2010)
- The American Historical Review (1895-2007)
- The American Indian Quarterly (2000 through current issue)
- The American Journal of Archaeology and of the History of the Fine Arts (1885-1896)
- The American Journal of Bioethics (2001)
- The American Journal of Comparative Law (1952-2007)
- The American Journal of International Law (1907-2013)
- The American Journal of Legal History (1957-2004)
- The American Journal of Nursing (1900-2000)
- The American Journal of Philology (1880-2007)
- The American Journal of Police Science (1930-1932)
- The American Journal of Psychology (1887-2013)
- The American Journal of Semitic Languages and Literatures (1895-1941)
- The American Journal of Sociology (1895-2013)
- The American Journal of Theology (1897-1920)
- The American Law Register (1852-1891)
- The American Law Register (1898-1907)
- The American Law Register and Review (1892-1897)
- The American Mathematical Monthly (1894-2013)
- The American Naturalist (1867-2013)
- The American Political Science Review (1906-2009)
- The American Statistician (1947-2007)
- The Americas (1944-2009)
- The Analyst (1874-1883)
- The Annals of Applied Probability (1991-2009)
- The Annals of Mathematical Statistics (1930-1972)
- The Annals of Mathematics (1884-2007)
- The Annals of Probability (1973-2009)
- The Annals of Statistics (1973-2009)
- The Annual of the American School of Oriental Research in Jerusalem (1919-1921)
- The Annual of the American Schools of Oriental Research (1922-2009)
- The Art Bulletin (1919-2009)
- The Art Institute of Chicago Quarterly (1951-1965)
- The Athenian Agora (1953-1998)
- The Auk (1884-2013)
- The Australian Journal of Chinese Affairs (1979-1995)
- The Bell Journal of Economics (1975-1983)
- The Bell Journal of Economics and Management Science (1970-1974)
- The Biblical Archaeologist (1938-1997)
- The Biblical World (1893-1920)
- The Black Perspective in Music (1973-1990)
- The British Journal for the History of Science (1962-2002)
- The British Journal for the Philosophy of Science (1950-1998)
- The British Journal of Sociology (1950-1998)
- The British Museum Quarterly (1926-1973)
- The Bryologist (1898-2009)
- The Bulletin of Symbolic Logic (1995-2013)
- The Bulletin of the College Art Association (1913)
- The Bulletin of the College Art Association of America (1917-1918)
- The Bulletin of the Midwest Modern Language Association (1968-1983)
- The Bulletin of the Museum of Modern Art (1933-1963)
- The Bulletin of the Rocky Mountain Modern Language Association (1963-1974)
- The Burlington Magazine (1948-2007)
- The Burlington Magazine for Connoisseurs (1903-1947)
- The Business History Review (1954-2007)
- The Cambridge Law Journal (1921-2002)
- The Cambridge Quarterly (2006 through current issue)
- The Canadian Historical Review (2004 through current issue)
- The Canadian Journal of Economics / Revue canadienne dEconomique (1968-2009)
- The Canadian Journal of Economics and Political Science / Revue canadienne dEconomique et de Science politique (1935-1967)
- The Canadian Journal of Linguistics / La revue canadienne de linguistique (2003 through current issue)
- The Canadian Journal of Sociology (2004 through current issue)
- The Canadian Journal of Statistics / La Revue Canadienne de Statistique (1973-2009)
- The Canadian Modern Language Review / La revue canadienne des langues vivantes (2004 through current issue)
- The Carleton Drama Review (1955)
- The Catholic Historical Review (2000 through current issue)
- The Chaucer Review (2000 through current issue)
- The China Journal (1995-2013)
- The China Quarterly (1960-2001)
- The Classical Journal (1905-2013)
- The Classical Quarterly (1907-2007)
- The Classical Review (1887-2007)
- The Classical Weekly (1907-1957)
- The Classical World (1957-2009)
- The Coleopterists Bulletin (1947-2007)
- The College Mathematics Journal (1984-2013)
- The Comparatist (2005 through current issue)
- The Condor (1900-2013)
- The Contemporary Pacific (2000 through current issue)
- The Coordinator (1952-1959)
- The Course of Study (1900-1901)
- The Drama Review: TDR (1968-1987)
- The Economic History Review (1927-2007)
- The Economic Journal (1891-2007)
- The Eighteenth Century (2006 through current issue)
- The Elementary School Journal (1914-2013)
- The Elementary School Teacher (1902-1914)
- The Elementary School Teacher and Course of Study (1901-1902)
- The Emily Dickinson Journal (1998 through current issue)
- The English Historical Review (1886-2005)
- The English Journal (1912-2009)
- The European Journal of Health Economics (2001-2009)
- The Family Coordinator (1968-1979)
- The Family Life Coordinator (1959-1967)
- The Far Eastern Quarterly (1941-1956)
- The Florida Buggist (1917-1920)
- The Florida Entomologist (1920-2011)
- The Folk-Lore Journal (1883-1889)
- The Folk-Lore Record (1878-1882)
- The French Review (1927-2007)
- The French Review. Special Issue (1970-1982)
- The Future of Children (1991-2007)
- The Future of Children (2005 through current issue)
- The Galpin Society Journal (1948-2007)
- The Garden History Society Newsletter (1971-1972)
- The Geographical Journal (1893-2007)
- The German Quarterly (1928-2009)
- The Global South (2008 through current issue)
- The Good Society (2002 through current issue)
- The Harvard International Journal of Press/Politics (1999 through current issue)
- The Harvard Theological Review (1908-2007)
- The Hastings Center Report (1971-2010)
- The Hastings Center Studies (1973-1974)
- The Hebrew Student (1882-1883)
- The Hemingway Review (2003 through current issue)
- The Henry James Review (1995 through current issue)
- The High School Journal (2001 through current issue)
- The Hispanic American Historical Review (1918-1999)
- The Historical Journal (1958-2007)
- The History Teacher (1967-2009)
- The Hopkins Review (2008 through current issue)
- The Hudson Review (1948-2009)
- The Hungarian Quarterly [The Hungarian Quarterly] (See website for coverage)
- The Huntington Library Bulletin (1931-1937)
- The Huntington Library Quarterly (1937-2013)
- The Incorporated Statistician (1950-1961)
- The Innes Review (2007 through current issue)
- The International and Comparative Law Quarterly (1952-2007)
- The International Journal of African Historical Studies (1972-2009)
- The International Law Quarterly (1947-1951)
- The Jewish Quarterly Review (1888-2007)
- The Journal of Aesthetic Education (2003 through current issue)
- The Journal of Aesthetics and Art Criticism (1941-2009)
- The Journal of African American History (2002-2013)
- The Journal of African History (1960-2007)
- The Journal of American Folklore (1888-2013)
- The Journal of American History (1964-2007)
- The Journal of Animal Ecology (1932-2007)
- The Journal of Applied Ecology (1964-2007)
- The Journal of Asian Studies (1956-2009)
- The Journal of Biophysical and Biochemical Cytology (1955-1961)
- The Journal of Blacks in Higher Education (1993-2009)
- The Journal of British Studies (1961-2007)
- The Journal of Business (1954-2006)
- The Journal of Business of the University of Chicago (1928-1953)
- The Journal of Cell Biology (1962-2010)
- The Journal of Conflict Resolution (1957-2009)
- The Journal of Consumer Research (1974-2013)
- The Journal of Criminal Law and Criminology (1973-2009)
- The Journal of Criminal Law, Criminology, and Police Science (1951-1972)
- The Journal of Decorative and Propaganda Arts (1986-2002)
- The Journal of Developing Areas (2003 through current issue)
- The Journal of Ecology (1913-2007)
- The Journal of Economic Education (1969-2005)
- The Journal of Economic History (1941-2007)
- The Journal of Economic Perspectives (1987-2013)
- The Journal of Egyptian Archaeology (1914-2007)
- The Journal of Finance (1946-2009)
- The Journal of Financial and Quantitative Analysis (1966-2008)
- The Journal of General Education (1999 through current issue)
- The Journal of Hellenic Studies (1880-2009)
- The Journal of Higher Education (1930-2009)
- The Journal of Higher Education (2002 through current issue)
- The Journal of Human Resources (1966-2007)
- The Journal of Hygiene (1903-1986)
- The Journal of Industrial Economics (1952-2007)
- The Journal of Insurance (1957-1963)
- The Journal of Japanese Studies (2004 through current issue)
- The Journal of Land & Public Utility Economics (1925-1947)
- The Journal of Legal Studies (1972-2013)
- The Journal of Marketing (1936-2007)
- The Journal of Military History (1989-2007)
- The Journal of Military History (2003 through current issue)
- The Journal of Modern African Studies (1963-2007)
- The Journal of Modern History (1929-2013)
- The Journal of Musicology (1982-2013)
- The Journal of Mycology (1885-1908)
- The Journal of Negro Education (1932-2013)
- The Journal of Negro History (1916-2001)
- The Journal of Nietzsche Studies (2002 through current issue)
- The Journal of Parasitology (1914-2009)
- The Journal of Philosophy (1921-2007)
- The Journal of Philosophy, Psychology and Scientific Methods (1904-1920)
- The Journal of Political Economy (1892-2013)
- The Journal of Politics (1939-2009)
- The Journal of Religion (1921-2013)
- The Journal of Risk and Insurance (1964-2009)
- The Journal of Roman Studies (1911-2009)
- The Journal of Sex Research (1965-2005)
- The Journal of Southern History (1935-2007)
- The Journal of Speculative Philosophy (1999 through current issue)
- The Journal of Symbolic Logic (1936-2008)
- The Journal of the Academy of Management (1958-1962)
- The Journal of the American Military History Foundation (1937-1938)
- The Journal of the American Military Institute (1939-1940)
- The Journal of the American Society of Architectural Historians (1941-1944)
- The Journal of the Anthropological Institute of Great Britain and Ireland (1872-1906)
- The Journal of the Association of Teachers of Japanese (1972-2000)
- The Journal of the Ethnological Society of London (1869-1870)
- The Journal of the History of Childhood and Youth (2008 through current issue)
- The Journal of the Learning Sciences (1991-2005)
- The Journal of the Midwest Modern Language Association (1984-2009)
- The Journal of the Operational Research Society (1978-2009)
- The Journal of the Royal Anthropological Institute (1995-2007)
- The Journal of the Royal Anthropological Institute of Great Britain and Ireland (1907-1965)
- The Journal of the Society of Architectural Historians (1945-2013)
- The Journal of the Society of Cinematologists (1961-1964)
- The Journal of the Southern Appalachian Botanical Club (1936-1937)
- The Journal of the Wilson Ornithological Chapter of the Agassiz Association (1893)
- The Journal of Wildlife Management (1937-2010)
- The Journal-Newsletter of the Association of Teachers of Japanese (1963-1972)
- The Kenyon Review (1939-2009)
- The Library: The Transactions of the Bibliographical Society (2006 through current issue)
- The Lion and the Unicorn (1995 through current issue)
- The Mathematical Gazette (1894-2007)
- The Metropolitan Museum of Art Bulletin (1905-2009)
- The Micropaleontologist (1947-1954)
- The Milbank Memorial Fund Quarterly (1934-1972)
- The Milbank Memorial Fund Quarterly Bulletin (1923-1933)
- The Milbank Memorial Fund Quarterly. Health and Society (1973-1985)
- The Milbank Quarterly (1986-2011)
- The Mississippi Valley Historical Review (1914-1964)
- The Missouri Review (2004 through current issue
- The Modern Language Journal (1916-2009)
- The Modern Language Review (1905-2013)
- The Modern Law Review (1937-2007)
- The Moving Image (2003 through current issue)
- The Murrelet (1920-1988)
- The Musical Quarterly (1915-1999)
- The Musical Times (1903-2009)
- The Musical Times and Singing Class Circular (1844-1902)
- The New England Quarterly (1928-2009)
- The New Presence [The New Presence] (See website for coverage)
- The News Bulletin of the Rocky Mountain Modern Language Association (1948-1962)
- The Old and New Testament Student (1889-1892)
- The Old Testament Student (1883-1889)
- The Opera Quarterly (2002 through current issue)
- The Oral History Review (1973-2007)
- The Ornithologists’ and Oologists’ Semi-Annual (1889-1890)
- The Pacific Historical Review (1932-2013)
- The Pacific Sociological Review (1958-1982)
- The Philadelphia Museum Bulletin (1938-1956)
- The Philosophical Quarterly (1950-2007)
- The Philosophical Review (1892-2007)
- The Phylon Quarterly (1957-1959)
- The Plant Cell (1989-2010)
- The Polish Foreign Affairs Digest [The Polish Foreign Affairs Digest] (See website for coverage)
- The Polish Quarterly of International Affairs [The Polish Quarterly of International Affairs] (See website for coverage)
- The Public Historian (1978-2013)
- The Public Opinion Quarterly (1937-2007)
- The Quarterly Journal of Economics (1886-2007)
- The Quarterly of Film Radio and Television (1951-1957)
- The Quarterly Review of Biology (1926-2013)
- The RAND Journal of Economics (1984-2010)
- The Review of Economic Studies (1933-2009)
- The Review of Economics and Statistics (1919-2007)
- The Review of English Studies (1925-2000)
- The Review of Financial Studies (1988-2009)
- The Review of Higher Education (1996/97 through current issue)
- The Review of Politics (1939-2004)
- The Romanian Journal of Political Sciences [The Romanian Journal of Political Sciences] (See website for coverage)
- The Sarmatian Review [The Sarmatian Review] (See website for coverage)
- The Scandinavian Journal of Economics (1976-2007)
- The School Review (1893-1979)
- The Science News-Letter (1924-1966)
- The Scientific Monthly (1915-1957)
- The Scottish Historical Review (2006 through current issue)
- The Semi-Annual (Agassiz Association. Department of the Wilson Chapter) (1891)
- The Sixteenth Century Journal (1972-2007)
- The Slavic and East European Journal (1957-2009)
- The Sociological Quarterly (1960-2007)
- The South African Archaeological Bulletin (1945-2009)
- The South Atlantic Quarterly (1999 through current issue)
- The South Central Bulletin (1940-1983)
- The Southern Literary Journal (2000/01 through current issue)
- The Southwestern Naturalist (1956-2009)
- The Statistician (1962-2003)
- The Supreme Court Review (1960-2013)
- The Swedish Journal of Economics (1965-1975)
- The Tulane Drama Review (1957-1967)
- The Two-Year College Mathematics Journal (1970-1983)
- The University Journal of Business (1922-1927)
- The University of Chicago Law Review (1933-2013)
- The University of Toronto Law Journal (1935-2009)
- The Velvet Light Trap (2003 through current issue)
- The Virginia Law Register (1895-1928)
- The Virginia Magazine of History and Biography (1893-2009)
- The Washington Quarterly (2000 through current issue)
- The Western Historical Quarterly (1970-2013)
- The Western Political Quarterly (1948-1992)
- The William and Mary Quarterly (1892-2013)
- The Wilson Bulletin (1894-2005)
- The Wilson Quarterly (1892)
- The Womens Review of Books (1983-2009)
- The World Bank Economic Review (1986-2000)
- The World Bank Research Observer (1986-2000)
- The Yale Journal of Criticism (1996 through current issue)
- The Yale Law Journal (1891-2009)
- The Yearbook of English Studies (1971-2013)
- Theater (1999 through current issue)
- Theatre Journal (1979-1995)
- Theatre Journal (1996 through current issue)
- Theatre Topics (1996 through current issue)
- Theory & Event (1997 through current issue)
- Theory and Society (1974-2009)
- Theory Into Practice (1962-2005)
- Theory Into Practice (2003-2004)
- Theresienstädter Studien und Dokumente [Terezin Studies and Documents] (See website for coverage)
- Think Tank - Časopis za Balkan [Think Tank] (See website for coverage)
- Third World Quarterly (1979-2007)
- Tijdschrift der Vereeniging voor Noord-Nederlands Muziekgeschiedenis (1882-1959)
- Tijdschrift van de Koninklijke Vereniging voor Nederlandse Muziekgeschiedenis (1995-2007)
- Tijdschrift van de Vereniging voor Nederlandse Muziekgeschiedenis (1960-1994)
- Tokovi istorije [Currents of History] (See website for coverage)
- Tolkien Studies (2004 through current issue)
- Totalitarian Movements and Political Religions (2001 through current issue)
- Toung Pao (1890-2007)
- TRAMES (See website for coverage)
- Transactions (Institute of British Geographers) (1935-1939)
- Transactions and Papers (Institute of British Geographers) (1946-1964)
- Transactions and Proceedings of the American Philological Association (1897-1972)
- Transactions and Proceedings of the Modern Language Association of America (1886-1887)
- Transactions of the American Mathematical Society (1900-2007)
- Transactions of the American Microscopical Society (1896-1994)
- Transactions of the American Philological Association (2000 through current issue)
- Transactions of the American Philological Association (1869-1896)
- Transactions of the American Philological Association (1974-2000)
- Transactions of the American Philosophical Society (1769-2009)
- Transactions of the Annual Meetings of the Kansas Academy of Science (1881-1899)
- Transactions of the Anthropological Society of London (1863)
- Transactions of the Anthropological Society of Washington (1879-1883)
- Transactions of the Charles S. Peirce Society: A Quarterly Journal in American Philosophy (2006 through current issue)
- Transactions of the Ethnological Society of London (1861-1869)
- Transactions of the Grotius Society (1918-1959)
- Transactions of the Institute of British Geographers (1965-2007)
- Transactions of the Kansas Academy of Science (1872-1879)
- Transactions of the Kansas Academy of Science (1903-2009)
- Transactions of the Modern Language Association of America (1884)
- Transactions of the Royal Historical Society (1872-2007)
- Transformation: Critical Perspectives on Southern Africa (2002 through current issue)
- Transition (1961-1999)
- Transition (2000 through current issue)
- Transitions Online (See website for coverage)
- Translation and Literature (2006 through current issue)
- Transodra (See website for coverage)
- Trimonthly Report. Ohio Herpetological Society (1958-1959)
- Trollopian (1945-1949)
- Tulsa Studies in Womens Literature (1982-2007)
- Tulsa Studies in Women's Literature (2007 through current issue)
- Twentieth Century Literature (1955-2009)
- Twentieth-Century China (2007 through current issue)