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Ms. Hamutal Jackobson Girshengorn
2011-2012 Phyllis Greenberg Heideman and Richard D. Heideman Fellow"Not Drawn to Scale: Maps and the Holocaust: 1939 to the Present"
Ms. Elana Jakel
2009-2010 Charles H. Revson Foundation Fellow"Ukraine without Jews? The Soviet Jewish Experience after the Holocaust, 1943-1948"
Mr. Tomaz Jardim
2007-2008 Diane and Howard Wohl Fellow"The Mauthausen War Crimes Trial and American Justice in Germany"
Dr. Tomaz Jardim
2009-2010 Laurie and Andy Okun Fellow"The Mauthausen War Crimes Trial and American Justice in Germany"
Professor Paul Jaskot
2006-2007 Center for Advanced Holocaust Studies Fellow"The Political Reception of the Nazi Past and Postwar German Art"
Dr. Paul B. Jaskot
Ina Levine Invitational Scholar“Towards an Integrated History of the Occupation of Krakow: Digital and Analog Approaches to Nazi and Jewish Buildings and Spaces”
Dr. Mette Jensen
2002-2003 Miles Lerman Center for the Study of Jewish Resistance Research Fellow"Solidarity in Action: Collective Rescue Efforts in Nazi-Occupied Europe"
Dr. Laura Jockusch
2012-2013 Ben and Zelda Cohen Fellow"Beyond Vengeance: Jewish Conceptions of Retributive Justice after the Holocaust"
Dr. Willa Johnson
2012-2013 Cummings Foundation Fellowship"Shoah Art as History: A Sociological and Cultural Analysis of Human Bodily Conditions in the Artworks of Karl Schwesig"
William Ross Jones
Alexander Grass Memorial Fellowship“’So then...he raped me’: Male Experiences of Sexual Violence During the Holocaust”
Professor Jennifer Jordan
2003-2004 Douglas and Carol Cohen Fellow"Places of Persecution and Resistance in Berlin: Comparing Wartime Sites to Contemporary Memorial Landscapes"
Dr. Alexander Joskowicz
2013-2014 Diane and Howard Wohl Fellowship“Jews and Romanies: An Entangled History”
Professor Jonathan Judaken
2006-2007 Center for Advanced Holocaust Studies Fellow"Theorizing Anti-Semitism: Confronting Modernity and Modern Judeophobia"
Dr. David Jünger
2016-2017 William J. Lowenberg Memorial Fellow on America, the Holocaust and the Jews"In Dissent. Rabbi Joachim Prinz (1902-1988)"
Dr. Helen Junz
2003-2004 Charles H. Revson Foundation Fellow"The Treatment of Holocaust Era Assets: A Comparative View"